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How We Helped Our Clients Set 253 Appointments in 10 Days

Designer Tester
Oct 25 4 minutes read

If you’re a team lead who has been trying to motivate your agents to prospect more frequently to drive new business, chances are you’ve run into one of these objections:

And the list goes on. 

In my experience, agents tend to avoid this drudgery of dialing for dollars because it’s repetitive and doesn’t drive immediate results.

It’s hard, laborious work. 

But what if it doesn’t have to be?

What if you could inject energy and excitement into the sales process and inspire your agents to perform the actions that would help them become successful?

What if you could get your agents to LOVE selling? 

That was the challenge we set out to accomplish with the 12 Days of Conversion, a community-based sales competition. 

We were able to successfully motivate our clients to send 35,581 sales emails, 7,711 text messages, and make 4,434 calls. As a result, they started 1,874 Conversations and set 253 appointments.

How did we do it?  We introduced a new form of sales called High-Intensity Tactical Selling.

So what is High-Intensity Tactical Selling (HITS)? 

It’s a form of selling that focuses on accomplishing a specific sales goal using a targeted sales strategy, in a limited amount of time.

Knowing that our clients are busy and don’t have hours to spend each day prospecting, we had to create a new approach that would help them experience immediate results in less time. 

Here’s the HITS framework:

  1. Establish A Sales Outcome:  Define an achievable goal that can be accomplished in a short amount of time.  For example, personally reach out to 15 Past Clients you’ve lost touch with.  Make it specific and measurable.
  2. Define Your Audience:  Who are you selling to?  What do they have in common?  What are their biggest pain points?
  3. Best Medium: How can you most effectively reach your audience?  Social, Email, Video, Text, or Phone?
  4. Value Proposition:  What can you offer them that adds value and starts a conversation? You’re interrupting their day, it better be worth it.  

Each day, we dropped a Daily Challenge containing one of these HITS strategies for our clients to complete. Not only did they create a sense of community and competition amongst our clients, but they also led to major wins.

Here are a few examples: 

The Double Dial Text Technique

Past Clients and your Sphere of Influence Strategy

Land & Expand Strategy

The best part of using the HITS framework is that you will immediately improve the personalization and relevancy of your sales outreach.

This is critical. 

Everything in our lives is becoming tailored to our own personal preferences, shouldn’t our sales process be as well?

The last step is tracking. 

Setting up a method for tracking the performance of your sales activities is essential.  This will enable you to analyze the data, distill down the learnings, and share it with your team so they can improve! 

We use Google Data Studio to visualize our data. 

Creating a culture around tracking is a critical part of driving the right behavior. 

As Peter Drucker once said, “If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.”

How did our clients respond to this new approach to selling?

Here’s a sample of the feedback: 

If you’re constantly struggling to motivate your team to prospect, maybe it’s time for a new strategy.

Need help with lead conversion?

Watch our Co-Founder Chris Smith break down how Curaytor's newest service Accelerator can help you get higher quality leads that are easier to convert. Curaytor provides not only dynamic and branded retargeting, plus an ai chatbot, but also the strategy and coaching to make it all work together.

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